Events Archives - Kitchen Design Plus
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We attended a trade show showcasing Women Owned Business' in the Halifax area on November 1st, 2014. A great day to support other women in business and where all the proceeds at the door, over $6,300.00 were donated to 3 local women's charities; Alice Housing, Avalon Sexual Assault Centre and Bryony House....

A ladies golf tournament held on 10 September 2014. Wonderful women golfing and connecting in support of Adsum for Women and Children. A great sunny day on the greens helped raise over $12,000.00. These events help get new people involved that may not know of the need for funds....

In May 2014 we hosted a birthday party for Louise in support of Adsum House for Women and Children. We requested that our guests bring gently used household items and donate money to help combat homelessness of Halifax's women and children in need. We received over 80KG of donated goods and with a generous offer from Scotia Bank to match our monetary donations we were able to raise over $6,000.00 that night.  ...

On December 13, 2013 we held the "No one should go hungry at Christmas" a wine and cheese event in support of Feed Nova Scotia. We requested our guests bring either food donations or money for Feed Nova Scotia. We raised over $500.00 and 60 KG of food.